Sleep Apnea Treatment in Austin, TX

FREE Snore Consult

Is excess snoring disrupting your sleep quality, and quality of life? Schedule your free snore consultation to meet with our doctor, discuss your symptoms and discover possible treatments!

Already diagnosed with sleep apnea or had a sleep study? Schedule a sleep consultation for just $218 — this cost will apply to a sleep apnea appliance purchased in-office within 6 months after your visit. Contact us to get started!

Do you suspect you may have sleep apnea, or are you seeking sleep apnea therapy in Austin, TX? Brilliant Smiles offers in-house sleep apnea treatment, so you can get the relief you need! Dr. Glenda Smith and her team understand sleep apnea can have uncomfortable, potentially hazardous effects on your mood, health and overall well-being.

We're proud to offer our patients customized treatment for top sleep apnea therapy in Austin, TX and beyond. We even bill sleep apnea treatment through medical insurance!

What is Sleep Apnea?

Dr. Daniel Voorhees with sleep apnea patientSleep apnea is a serious and potentially life-threatening disorder involving repeated pauses in breathing while asleep. The most common form of this condition is obstructive sleep apnea. This occurs when there is an obstruction of an individual’s airway that interferes with the flow of oxygen through the nose or mouth during sleep.

When a patient is afflicted with obstructive sleep apnea, the muscles of the throat and mouth relax during sleep to the point where they fall back into the upper airway and create a blockage that restricts breathing.

Symptoms of sleep apnea disorder include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Cessation of breathing during sleep
  • Waking up abruptly
  • Episodes of gasping for air
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Morning headache
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability

How is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

A sleep study is typically conducted to determine the severity of sleep apnea and its associated symptoms. At Brilliant Smiles, the results of your sleep study and health history will help our team determine your recommended sleep apnea treatment.

The Brilliant Smiles dentistsSleep apnea therapy often includes:

  • A CPAP machine worn while sleeping. The CPAP provides a steady stream of pressurized air into the respiratory system through a breathing mask.
  • Dental appliances. For patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea, a custom-fitted dental appliance may be recommended. Sleep apnea night guards are designed to keep the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat from collapsing, helping the airway stay open during sleep.

At our Austin dental office, sleep apnea mouth guards are design to be worn in a similar fashion to an orthodontic retainer. Your sleep apnea appliance will be custom-designed to fit you best, designed for both comfort and effectiveness.

Is Sleep Apnea Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Not every dentist bills sleep apnea treatment through medical insurance, but we do! Contact our friendly dental team to help you get started.

Secure Your Sleep Apnea Relief in Austin

If you're ready to reclaim your quality of life from the effects of sleep apnea, our dentists are here to help. Contact us today to schedule your sleep apnea screening at Brilliant Smiles!

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